My Life as a Stay-at-Home Working Mom: Balancing Business, Babies, and Everything In Between

Being a stay-at-home working mom isn't for the faint hearted, my sister is a mom of two and she has a successful photography business. It’s a constant juggling act—one that involves balancing the needs of my children, running a household, and managing my career. Every day is a mix of chaos, joy, exhaustion, and fulfillment. Some days feel like a whirlwind, and others are a little more peaceful, but through it all, I’m learning to find joy in the messy moments and appreciating the beauty in my unconventional work-life balance.



The Morning Hustle: Waking Up to the Chaos

My day begins like any other mom’s: Not even super early for us but always chaos! While the rest of the world gets ready for work, my kids wake up with boundless energy, ready to start their day. In the early hours, I try not to get a head start on my work, often answering emails or preparing my next social media content, but it’s rarely smooth sailing. There are snack requests, nappy changes, and the inevitable “Mommy mommy mommy” that pulls me away from my laptop. Some mornings, the coffee is the only thing that keeps me going!

 But it’s all worth it when I see those little faces light up as they start their day. I remind myself that while work is important, so is being present for my children. Enjoying every second whether it's a hug before breakfast or a calming them down after a tantrum, it’s a priority.


Work in Progress: Navigating the Stay-at-Home Job

While I’m at home, I’m not exactly *at* home all the time. My career is a flexible, work-from-home job, so I’ve had to find a routine that works for both me and my babies. It’s not always easy, but I’ve learned to carve out pockets of time when I can focus on my work. This is why I work a lot of later hours. 

I often work during nap time or in the early evening after the kids have gone to bed. My to-do lists have become my best friend, and I’ve learned to prioritize tasks like a pro. Deadlines and client meetings sometimes overlap with bedtime or family visits, but I've become a master at multitasking. Whether it's hopping on a Zoom call with a toddler on my lap or typing away with one hand while holding a spoon, adaptability is key.

 One of the biggest adjustments has been balancing the expectations of work with the demands of motherhood. There are moments when I feel like I’m falling behind on one or the other, but I’ve learned to give myself a break. Not everything needs to be perfect, and it’s okay if the washing is still in the basket or if I don’t reply to an email in 10 minutes!


The Guilt of Trying to Do It All

There are times when I feel like I’m not doing enough—whether it’s for my career or my children. As a stay-at-home working mom, guilt has been an ever-present companion. If I spend too much time on work, I feel guilty about not being fully present with my kids. If I focus too much on family, I worry about falling behind on my projects. It’s a constant balancing act, and I often remind myself that it’s okay not to be perfect!

The key has been to find moments of self-care and to remember why I chose this path. Being home with my kids allows me to create memories, shape their growth, and be a hands-on mom while still pursuing my career. I don’t have to choose one over the other, and that's been one of the most empowering realisations.


 The Joys of Flexibility

Despite the challenges, there are so many joys to being a stay-at-home working mom. I can plan my work around their needs and be there for the little moments—like being there for every single precious milestone. These are the moments that remind me why I chose this path.

But beyond that, I’ve been able to stay connected to my career and continue to pursue my professional goals. Whether it’s taking on new projects, advancing my skills, or building my network from home, I feel accomplished and proud of what I’m achieving.


The Bottom Line: It's Worth It

At the end of the day, I wouldn’t trade my life as a stay-at-home working mom for anything. It’s messy. It’s hectic. It’s sometimes overwhelming. But it’s also incredibly rewarding. The work-life balance may not always be perfect, but it’s mine—and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

For any other moms who are juggling work and family from home, I would say: You’re doing an amazing job. It’s okay to not have everything figured out, and it’s okay to ask for help when you need it. Your value is not determined by how much you can handle; it’s about showing up for yourself and your family every day.

As I continue on this journey, I look forward to the moments of growth, both professionally and personally. And when it gets tough, I remind myself: this chaotic, beautiful life is exactly where I’m meant to be.

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